Virtual Garden Walkabout 2020
Our 2020 Garden Walkabout was cancelled due to the Coronavirus. Fortunately our camera has taken some photographs of some of the gardens and we have posted them here for your perusal.
About our garden
We primarily aim to create a garden in which we can relax and entertain visitors whenever the weather is fine enough. However there are a number of other broad objectives that we try to adhere to as follows. To have something in flower and of interest throughout the year. To avoid bare soil wherever possible to prevent weeds taking over. Whenever a space is created, e.g. a plant dies, another is planted to fill the gap. Quite often this is from seedlings grown from cuttings or purchased or our own seed but sometimes friends and relatives provide a plant as presents on special occasions such as birthdays. Many plants are allowed to go to seed to produce new plants in the following year. These are allowed to grow wherever they occur unless they are in the wrong place in which case they may be transplanted or simply removed. |
To encourage wildlife as far as possible. The pond helps and when ordering seed or purchasing plants we aim to choose wildlife friendly varieties and organic if available.
In the glasshouse we grow tomatoes and cucumbers in growbags during the summer months and the plants for our allotment. We have four compost bins for compostable garden prunings and kitchen peelings etc. We have seven water butts around the house. On our allotment we grow vegetables and soft fruit much of which we freeze for use during the leaner months. We have taken some photos earlier this year for your delectation — we hope you like them! The Croshers (June 3 - 2020) |