Spring Plant Sale 2021
Saturday 8th May, 2021 2-3pm
Outdoors at the Church Hall due to the Covid 19 pandemic
Outdoors at the Church Hall due to the Covid 19 pandemic
Wow, I woke up in the morning thinking the plant sale was going to be a disaster but it turned out better than ever despite the early rain which made for some very soggy setter uppers.
Thank you one and all for your contributions be it pricing plants, carting stuff from the store, clearing up, growing plants, moving tables, or hanging onto the gazebo which Barbara seemed to spend half the afternoon doing to stop it blowing away. It really was a team effort so we’ll done all. |
Nobody seemed to mind waiting in the queue and all were really complimentary - I’ve even had some thank yous. Karen Kendrick signed in 90 people at the gate. We made £615.00 - what an effort - actually more than some of our indoor plant sales.
The church seem keen for us to come again and I think it would be a great venue - we could decide on the day whether to hold it inside or out. |
I have a number of mystery dahlias for sale. Halls sold them to me at a discount so they are only £2.50 each. One each at the moment. Please let me know if you want one.
Once again thank you all, it was great to get together again. Peter Hordern |