Allotment Open Day
Phillimore Allotments 12th August 2012
Back in the summer of 2011 I received an unexpected call from a nice lady at the National Garden Scheme (NGS). She wondered if we might wish to open our allotments. I said she was welcome to come and look but never thought that, once she had visited, she would wish to proceed. How wrong was I – she loved the allotments and so the idea took hold.
We first had to convince the Parish Council and were very pleased when they not only gave us permission but helped us significantly on the day. We also received invaluable support from the allotment holders who rose to the occasion and got their plots looking smart and assisted in many other ways. All was set at 2pm on 12 August, a lovely summer’s day, as I sat at the entrance wondering if anyone was going to turn up. I should not have worried because all of a sudden the hordes appeared, down the entrance path and across the Recreation Ground like an invading army. At one point we were nearly swamped at the gate but we managed to stem the tide. All in all it was a great success with almost 350 visitors. We had teas, a plant sale, a bee exhibition and even some chickens! |
I can’t possibly mention everyone who helped but thank you to all of you especially Julia Beynon and her team who made brilliant teas and Maureen and Stuart Thorne who, apart from their immaculate allotment, assisted greatly with the plant sale and organised the bee exhibition.
We only charged £2.50 for entrance but we raised an impressive £1274 from the gate, the plant sale and the teas. All of this was donated to the NGS for the benefit of their excellent charities. (See their website for details). You might have thought that once was enough but we have already signed up for next year and the date for your diaries is 11th August. This time we are starting earlier at 12 noon and will have a barbeque as well as teas and various other attractions which might include giant pumpkins and welly throwing so I hope to see you all then. Peter Hordern |